How To Get a Divorce Affordably in Malaysia

How To Get a Divorce Affordably in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Trusted Divorce Lawyer Malaysia

You may have heard that getting a divorce is expensive in Malaysia as a non-Muslim. That may stop you from thinking about it or even stop you from taking an action even if you are determined that the relationship has comes to an end with no chance of reconciliation. So, how to get a divorce affordably in Malaysia? Is it possible?

The short answer is, yes.

So, what can you do to get a divorce without breaking the bank?

The answer is to reach a mutual agreement or divorce settlement with your spouse before you file for a joint petition for divorce in Malaysia.

In essence, before you file for a divorce petition in Malaysia, both parties must come to an agreement on all the divorce terms such as custody of children (if any), maintenance of wife and children, and division of the assets (if any).

Process of Mutual Divorce in Malaysia

The process of filing a joint petition is fairly direct and straightforward.

Firstly, you need to engage a divorce lawyer to prepare all the necessary divorce papers and sign them.

Then, your divorce lawyer will file the divorce papers to the court and both the husband and wife must attend the court hearing in the court (or online via Zoom usually) at a later date.

After the court hearing is done and assuming that the court is satisfied that both parties consented to the divorce, the divorce process is considered done and the divorce certificate will be issued 3 months later after the court hearing under the law.

In addition, do take note that the marriage must be registered for more than 2 years and there is no need to attend any marriage counselling with the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) as long as the divorce terms are agreed upon.


In conclusion, getting a divorce is possible without breaking the bank as long as the divorce terms are agreed upon voluntarily.

In the event if no agreement is reached on any term, our divorce lawyer may assist to liaise and negotiate the terms for both parties to reach a settlement in order to save time and cost for the divorce.

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