Remarriage After Divorce in Malaysia

Remarriage After Divorce in Malaysia by TYH & Co. Divorce Lawyer Malaysia

You just got a divorce. And you moved on. Now you found a new love in life. Are you looking to remarry after divorce in Malaysia?

Can I remarry after divorce in Malaysia?

Yes, you can remarry after divorce in Malaysia as a non-Muslim.

How long do I have to wait to remarry after divorce in Malaysia?

For non-Muslims, the waiting period is 3 months after the court granted the decree nisi and you have obtained your divorce certificate issued by the court. This is also known as the ‘Sijil Menjadikan Dekri Nisi Mutlak’ or Certificate of Decree Nisi To Be Made Absolute.

Once the divorce certificate is issued, you are legally free to remarry anytime.

What do I need to do if I wish to divorce my current spouse and remarry again?

You can only remarry after you divorce your current spouse. Do take note that you may land yourself in trouble if you have an affair during the span of your marriage. Therefore, it is only right for you to get into a new relationship after you get a divorce from your current spouse.

In conclusion, remarriage after divorce among non-Muslims in Malaysia represents a beacon of hope and a second chance at love and happiness. If you are considering remarriage after divorce in Malaysia, it is important to seek legal and professional advice to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are making the best decisions for yourself and your family.

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